The RE: FIT Schools (London) Programme is a collaborative energy efficiency improvement framework co-owned by Local Partnerships and the Greater London Authority. Primary and Secondary schools account for 21% of the UK’s public sector carbon emissions and this programme has been designed to significantly reduce this across London. The programme is now running across multiple London Boroughs including Hounslow, Lambeth, Greenwich and Southwark and has won numerous awards for its approach.
This retrofit programme involves using new technology on old existing buildings to make them more energy efficient, reduce operational costs and improve the environment for pupils and staff.
In the last 24 months 71 Schools and Colleges (including community, faith, academy schools and 6th forms/colleges) have signed up to the programme where surveys have been undertaken and multiple energy saving measures have been implemented including LED Lighting, Solar Panels, Boiler Optimisers, Insulation and Control Upgrades. The savings from these measures are guaranteed through the RE:FIT Framework for the life of the payback.
The savings from these schools are summarised below:
Total Capital Investment £6,648,084
Total Annual kWh’s Saved 11,085,973
Total % Energy Saved 21.5%
Total Annual Energy Bill Saving £1,083,987
Total % Energy Bill Saving 31%
Total Annual CO2 Saving 2,471 tonnes
Payback 6.1 Years
Benefits to schools procuring via RE:FIT include:
• Access to this ‘award winning’ scheme which will implement the latest technologies and solutions available with all products checked and approved by energy performance specialists.
• Five to eight years payback period; energy bill savings made each year are used towards paying the capital cost.
• SALIX funding at 0% is available for Community and Faith Schools, with Academy schools, Multi- Academy Trusts, Free Schools and Academy 6th Forms able to apply for funding annually.
• The energy savings identified are guaranteed by Asset+ over the life of the payback as per the RE:FIT framework agreement with the Greater London Authority.