Asset+ are currently engaged with the Greater London Authority (GLA) through the RE:FIT Programme to deliver an energy performance contract across all Schools in London. The programme includes maintained schools, faith schools, eligible academy trusts and independent school charitable trusts, enabling significant financial investment to improve energy efficiency whilst also improving the environment for pupils and staff. The programme includes the delivery of multiple borough-led and academy chain-led school energy reduction projects – each containing tranches of schools – across London.
Asset+ are currently delivering the first three tranches of schools (72No.) across West London which includes conducting High Level Appraisals (HLA’s), Investment Grade Proposals (IGP’s), implementing the Energy Conservation Measures (ECM’s), operating and maintaining the equipment and carrying out Measurement and Verification (M&V) services throughout the payback period of 8 years. The range of solutions being deployed by the Asset+ team is both extensive and eclectic with a focus on maximising the commercial return for the school whilst reducing their energy usage and CO2 emissions as much as possible. Typically each school is achieving guaranteed savings of 30% on their energy bills via new LED lighting, Solar PV panels, heating upgrades, controls optimisation and an innovative energy monitoring software application.
‘Asset+ are currently working as the lead services provider on the GLA’s London Schools Energy Efficiency programme, where they are delivering a wide range of financed measures to reduce energy consumption across the first tranche of 72 schools within the London Borough of Hounslow. Their professional approach, collaborative nature and the experience of the team has been instrumental in the success of this programme.’ Charles Pipe – Energy Manager, London Borough of Hounslow
A key element to this projects success has been our engagement programme with the schools where there is a multi-level decision making process, including caretakers, business managers, governors and head teachers. We have embedded within the Asset+ team a dedicated ‘Schools Engagement Officer’ who is the primary point of contact with the schools and key stakeholders.
We have also successfully secured grant funding for 23 schools that sit within the Heathrow Airport noise contour path. This grant fund is covering the full capital costs of the scheme and is a first for this fund which normally will only assist in noise abatement and air quality measures. The securing of this grant involved the Asset+ team creating a compelling application and undergoing a successful interview with the funds auditors.
Following the installation of the energy measures, Asset+ have teamed up with behavioural change specialists, LESSCO2 to capitalise on the momentum in behaviour generated by the Asset+ programme by inviting each school to a series of half day workshops spread through the year. At these workshops LESSCO2 provide peer mentoring, expert advice and resources to educate and empower the schools staff which is key to ultimately teaching children to tread lightly on the earth whilst also equipping the school to carry on making changes and improvements to reduce their energy usage and CO2 emissions.