Once a scope of works has been agreed with the resultant energy savings and paybacks Asset+ work with construction and FM partners to manage all installation activities in accordance with strict health and safety protocols. Our project management team will work closely with you to eliminate or minimise any disruption to your operational activities and will programme all activities in agreement with you from commencement of the works to asset hand back at the end of the contract term.

We have a wealth of resources to support our Project Management team in delivering project activities; from small, low value refurbishments to technical, high value installations.

We will fully support the client team and all key stakeholders throughout the process.

All works will be co-ordinated as agreed by on-site client management. All material and equipment will be delivered to site outside operating hours and transferred to work site prior to opening. All disruption to normal operation will be minimised and eliminated where feasible to do so. Out of hours and weekend working will be utilised where applicable as part of mitigation strategy.